Pilates Cadillac & Tower


 Minimalism in the arts began in post – World War II Western Art, most strongly with American visual arts in the 1960s and early 1970s. Prominent artists associated with this movement includeDonald Judd, John McCracken, Agnes Martin, Dan Flavin, Robert Morris, Anne Truitt, and Frank Stella. It derives from the reductive aspects of Modernism and is often interpreted as a reaction against Abstract expressionism and a bridge to Postminimal art practices.

Minimalism in music features repetition and iteration such as those of the compositions of La Monte Young, Terry Riley, Steve Reich, Philip Glass, and John Adams. Minimalist compositions are sometimes known as systems music. The term “minimalist” often colloquially refers to anything that is spare or stripped to its essentials.


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  • Tuba Özdemir üye görüşleri

    Tuba Özdemir

    Endless thanks to HB TRAİNING STUDIO, who has never done sports in my life and believes that I will definitely not adhere to the program of doing sports by going to a gym, making me a sports enthusiast and making me addicted enough to feel unhappy on the days I am not going.
  • Esma YILDIRIM TAŞ üye görüşleri


    It is very enjoyable to do sports with our professors who have noticed my scoliosis problem for 25 years, who have given me hope despite my broken cross-ties, are sincere like friends, but are so serious in our lessons .. Thanks hb family ...