Pilates Spine &Pathologies Workshop


The spine is a complex structure that consists of powerful muscles and tough bones of different shapes and sizes.

Both components, muscles and bones, in addition to ligaments, tendons, fascia and nerves are linked with each other and therefore the health of some directly affects the others, a balance between both components being necessary so that the health of the back is optimal and the pathology and pain do not occur.

The basic functions of the back could be simplified in:

   1. Hold the body to a large extent and allow its movement

   2. Contribute to keep the center of gravity stable, at rest and especially in motion.

   3. Protect the spinal cord in a bone envelope.


The best way to avoid the pathology and the possible relationship of pain is the conscious and controlled movement that gives us the Pilates, that way we will get:

- The "reorganization" of the muscles of our back underlines the appropriate and sequenced use of it to avoid contractures.

- Strengthening the musculature itself, especially the deep plane of the spine.

- Direct bone stimulation so that our vertebrae are strengthened by regenerating bone components.

- The axial elongation to favor the intervertebral space.

- The correct centralization to activate and protect our lumbopelvic region efficiently.

- The correct use of our shoulder girdle to move efficiently and safely to our back.

- The correct dissociation of our limbs to protect sensitive areas.

- The correct alignment of the body respecting our morphology for a better movement and that the integration of movements is as efficient as possible.


Haydar Budak