Studio Our Rules



As HB TrainingStudio, we will be able to carry out the services we offer you most effectively and successfully, with the following sensitivity to you.

Our General Rules

The course lasts about 50 minutes. Dir.

Purchased packages must be consumed within the specified time. The deadline can be overdue for 1 week.

Since equipment in our studio needs to be cleaned for the next  lesson, careful attention to the beginning and end times of the lesson will provide you with better service.

When you consider that the Duet courses are made with two people, we ask you to remember that the following courses must be met in our studio before the beginning of the course so that they can start on time.

Cancellation and Course Change

Reservation cancellations must be notified at least 24 hours in advance. In later cancellations, the course is considered to have been given by the instructor.

Reservation cancellations must be made by our studio on 0224 4131454 - 0533 0584928.

Courses canceled in accordance with the rules must be made within 5 working days of the remedy. During this period, lessons are considered to have been made if there is no remedial instruction.

Fixed lesson hours are canceled 3 times by you and your fixed class time is wasted; Another lesson that may be appropriate for you is fixed.

We consider that these rules will be met with understanding and sensitivity, taking into account that instructors are being used to ensure that they can use their lessons efficiently.


It is advised to wear comfortable sweatshirts and t-shirts that are comfortable, not very abundant, flexible in their movements.

Shoes are not worn in Pilates classes. However, due to hygiene conditions short sports socks should be worn.


(Pregnancy, psychological reasons, cardiovascular risk factors, inheritance, metabolic diseases, daily pain and discomforts), which may have an effect on your health Etc.), please notify your studio and instructor. This will be a preliminary interview with you by your trainer during registration and will be kept as an attachment in your private file. Otherwise, our studio is not responsible for any injuries or discomforts that may occur due to these circumstances beyond the knowledge of our studio.

In order to ensure that the lessons are safe and useful, it is recommended that our guests inform the instructor about the daily physical and mental state of each lesson. Instrumented equipment is not required without teacher guidance. The user is responsible for any accidents or injuries that may occur during the use of the Pilates Equipment.

Reservation procedures

For private lessons, please make a reservation. You can call us on 0224 4131454- 0533 0584918 for your reservation.

We kindly ask you to remember and acknowledge the obligation of notification 24 hours before the cancellation of the reservation and changes.

Our private DEMO classes are free.

Our demo lessons are about 30 minutes and they are meant for introduction and introduction. Please do not hesitate to make a reservation for our demo lessons.

HB TRAINING STUDIO will be pleased to introduce your sizePilates & Personal Training operating systems, discover your own body and explain the benefits you can give.


  • Tuba Özdemir üye görüşleri

    Tuba Özdemir

    Endless thanks to HB TRAİNING STUDIO, who has never done sports in my life and believes that I will definitely not adhere to the program of doing sports by going to a gym, making me a sports enthusiast and making me addicted enough to feel unhappy on the days I am not going.
  • Esma YILDIRIM TAŞ üye görüşleri


    It is very enjoyable to do sports with our professors who have noticed my scoliosis problem for 25 years, who have given me hope despite my broken cross-ties, are sincere like friends, but are so serious in our lessons .. Thanks hb family ...