Why HB Pilates?


Hbpilates continues to apply the HB PILATES studies on two different systems (PilatesFitness) (PilatesRehabitation) as a result of studies carried out with the teaching staff and doctors as well as abroad and domestic instructors on the controlofic system created by JosephPilates with a contemporary approach to the original exercise method. Effective methods are used. Rehabilitation and prenatal (prenatal) clients are used between the athletes, the celebrities, the sedentary and everyone else. HB PILATES applies the right programs to its members by providing the right, high quality and good service.

What is the difference that creates the HB PILATES INSTITUTE privilege?

HB PILATES SYSTEM combines modern exercise principles, including contemporary thinking about spinal rehabilitation and athletic performance improvement with SPECIALISTS 'EDUCATIONAL OFFICERS AND DOCTORS. HB PILATES exercises are designed to restore the natural curvature of the muscles surrounding the joint, rebalance and rebalance. Further preparations and changes are prepared for different body types and abilities.

What are the benefits of HB PILATES?

Pilates Benefits

Pilates is one of the most reliable and proven types of exercise. Pilates increases strength, flexibility and durability, reduces stress and tension, and increases body-mind connection. In addition, pilates exercises help the body align, maintain a proper posture, and strengthen the abdominal region and inner core. Pilates exercises improve the way the body works, looks and feels. Some of the many benefits of polylines are:

Increased flexibility

Stretching plays an important role in the daily life of a normal person. We spend our present day sitting on our desk, watching television, or standing at work or on the road in formless forms. As a result, our muscles become rigid and our movement is restricted. Pilates is a great benefit in getting the body elastic and elastic after a tiring day. Especially for all fitness enthusiasts, stretching is of special importance because regular exercise without stretching increases the risk of injury and shortens muscles.

Improve body alignment, shape and stance

It is imperative to reach the right balance during exercise. Often we only do exercises of the same kind that only work on specific muscle groups. This can lead to a greater part of the body being developed than the other parts.

Any imbalance in the body can be corrected with pilates.

At the same time Pilates balances muscles and stretches the body. Internal muscle groups are continuously operated, resulting in the prolongation of the muscles and the general shape and posture of the body.

To improve mental clarity

As we know, pilates are based on the principle of effective breathing. With a steady blood flow, many toxins are thrown out of our body, which makes it easier to develop mental deficit. Pilates exercises help calm a complex mind and gain clarity of thought.


Pilates is important for pre- and post-operative rehabilitation and is also a way of avoiding unnecessary surgeries by regaining strength, endurance and general body condition. It is appropriate and convenient for people suffering from tornadoes to avoid painful post-injury injuries and general injuries.

HB PILATES Exercise?

Some care, like Pilates Yoga. Body-type methods of movement that are both considered in the mind; Both emphasize deep breathing and smooth, long movements by encouraging mind-body connection. The difference is that Yoga requires a static posture, Pilates is the basis for a series of flowing movements that combine more systematic and anatomic dynamic-resistance equipment. The goal with HB PILATES exercises is to strengthen your goal by getting optimal functional fitness during postural muscles.

How Long Does It Take To Exercise To See Results?

In order to be able to be injured by a workout or a working system with a branch, the average active people are doing 2-3 class classes per week, after 10 and 12 lessons, and after 10-12 lessons, the results should be seen. It is important to work with a well-trained Certified Trainer at the same time. A well-trained instructor at the same time as a good instructor teaches the correct takicks to those who participate in their lessons, CONTROLLOGY) techniques are applied correctly

Will Everyone Make Pilates Possible?

Always consult your doctor before beginning sports exercises to help you take the first step towards making a lanai sport. For this reason, it is important to work with a qualified instructor in correct movements. Working with an experienced instructor will give you a professional approach on how to proceed with the right program.


Can I just lose weight by doing pilates? If so, how much weight can I lose?

Not only can you lose weight by doing pilestes, Pilates can be a positive utility program for your overall weight loss program. The most successful program to achieve weight loss is through a coordinated working system. When a healthy aerobic component is combined with a Cardiovascular, Fitness, Weight Training, Balanced diet and Aerobic and Anaerobic exercise, such as HB Pilates exercises, you will notice your benefits more quickly and you will notice your wounds: mind-body connection, improved posture in exercise, flexibility , Weight loss and functionality. HB Pilates has provided many new services to instructors and members by creating Pilates Cardinal course system for many years


  • Tuba Özdemir üye görüşleri

    Tuba Özdemir

    Hayatında hiç spor yapmamış ve bir salona giderek spor yapma programına kesinlikle uymayacağıma inanan beni, spor tutkunu yapan ve gitmediğim günlerde kendimi mutsuz hissedecek kadar bağımlılık yapmama sebep olan HB TRAİNİNG STUDİO ya sonsuz teşekkürler.
  • Esma YILDIRIM TAŞ üye görüşleri


    25 yıldır farketmediğim skolyoz problemimi fark eden, kopuk çapraz bağlarıma rağmen bana umut veren , arkadaş gibi samimi ama derslerimizde bir okadar ciddi olan hocalarımızla spor yapmak çook keyifli.. Teşekkürler hb ailesi...