Pilates Reformer


The first foundations of the design of the Joseph Pilates Reformer tool were laid when Joseph Pilates began treating injured soldiers in their beds during the First World War. The fact that Joseph Pilates treated patients with springs attached to the beds and walls in the hospital are actually the first trials of today's modern Reformer tools. Thanks to this study and treatment system, patients improved much faster than expected with the exercises they performed against a certain resistance with the springs they could apply without having to get out of bed.

Reformer tools as developed today; With its unique exercise programs, it offers a much more comprehensive usage where more than 500 movements can be performed by lying on it, sitting, on the knees and standing.

Pilates Reformer is the most well known and used one among other pilates tools. The platform lying on it consists of a sliding part that moves, this part is supported by springs with different difficulty levels and it is connected to the part where the feet are usually rested. On this mobile platform, there is a shoulder support unit that shoulders rest. In addition, there is a small section where the head will settle. With its springs, moving bands and pulley system, the reformer tool is a very effective and effective exercise tool. In addition to working by fixing the person, it provides a symmetrical form and provides rapid efficiency in lessons with various degrees of resistance exercises in which the body's own weight is used. The resistance created by the springs combines with body weight, which allows determining the degree of difficulty. The reformer device is designed to be adjusted according to the person by considering the obstacles in the body structure (such as shortness of some muscles and inelasticity) and height and similar factors. In this case, correct and tailor-made reformer lessons can be held in many different body structures.

When exercising on the reformer, the aim is to gain strength, flex the body correctly within its limits, correct the center of balance, posture disorders and adhere to the principles of correct breathing, correct tempo, focus and fluid movement during all this. There must be a balanced integrity in the lessons; because the aim is not only to inflate or enlarge certain muscle groups, but to strengthen them by stretching and stretching.

The aim of all Pilates exercises and reformer exercises is to run the whole body. Sometimes, the exercises performed on the reformer may have the impression that a study for only one muscle group is performed from the outside, but the movements on this device do not aim to operate only certain muscle groups as preferred in many other exercise branches. While exercising with Reformer's spring and roller system, the exerciser uses the body's center of force during pushing and pulling the straps, so it is not actually loaded on a single muscle group while pulling the straps with his arms or pushing the footbears with his legs. All muscle groups in the body work and strengthen almost equally at the same time. This is the most important feature that distinguishes the reformer tool from other exercise tools. In fact, the same basic principle applies not only to the reformer but also to all other pilates exercises.

The reformer tool allows the person to move more comfortably, especially since it reduces the effect of gravity in inpatient movements. Although the exercises are done using body weight, the muscles are strengthened thanks to the extraordinary calculations in the design of the reformer tool, but the load is prevented from joining the joints. The reformer tool is also safer than many types of exercise thanks to the use of correct springs and angles under the supervision of a conscious trainer.

The reformer tool is being developed day by day and it offers versatile usage. There are also models that are designed only for physical therapy purposes designed for rehabilitation centers. In addition, big and small Boxes are enriched with the options of handles, special apparatus used for pregnant pilates and jump board.


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    Tuba Özdemir

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