Pilates & Postural Rehabilitation


People are often under the influence of skeletal and muscular system problems. The spine and joints are not used properly, the body is unbalanced: posture disorders, prolonged stay in wrong seating positions, joint strain, wrong exercise selection, or repeated movements in these positions lead to muscle strain, fatigue and stress, painful muscle spasms. People suffer from back, neck, and joint pain. Rehabilitation can be defined as the loss of or lost functions of the body. As HB Pilates & Personal Training studio, it works in coordination with your doctor.

In rehabilitation, it is aimed to make the person who has lost some of his body functions as a result of illness or injury, by using his current capacity in the best way, to make his body functions at the highest level. The most important factor of Pilates & method and Postural exercise system is its effectiveness in the field of rehabilitation. Regardless of which muscle group you exercise in the body in pilates exercises, it is important that it sees the muscles around the spine to work equally and evenly during that exercise. So all exercises are spine focused. In our studios, we focus especially on exercises for spine health and removal of joint degenerations: importance is given on mobilization, spine and joint strengthening, which are necessary to have a healthy spine and joints.


- Nerve Septomes - Disc Damages

- Waist and Neck Hernia - Degenerative Joint Disorders

- Scoliosis, Kyphosis, Lordosis - Meniscus, Bag Injuries

- Myofascial-Osteoporosis, Ankylosing Spondylitis

- Priformis

-Spondylolysis -Spondilplistezis Spine Degenerations:

We are always at your service as HB Training trainers with studies that will increase your daily life quality with your spine and joint mobilization and stabilization studies and ensure a more comfortable daily life.

SMR: Self-Myofascial Release Technique only at HB Training Studio

- Corrects muscle imbalances

- Increases the Eklemer ROM

- Eliminates muscle bumps and joint stress

- Decreases nerve-muscle (neuromuscular) hypertonitis

- Increases the musculotendinous junction flexibility

- Maintains the normal functional length of the muscle

All of our work is done in coordination with the directions and recommendations of your doctor after the diagnosis.


  • Tuba Özdemir üye görüşleri

    Tuba Özdemir

    Hayatında hiç spor yapmamış ve bir salona giderek spor yapma programına kesinlikle uymayacağıma inanan beni, spor tutkunu yapan ve gitmediğim günlerde kendimi mutsuz hissedecek kadar bağımlılık yapmama sebep olan HB TRAİNİNG STUDİO ya sonsuz teşekkürler.
  • Esma YILDIRIM TAŞ üye görüşleri


    25 yıldır farketmediğim skolyoz problemimi fark eden, kopuk çapraz bağlarıma rağmen bana umut veren , arkadaş gibi samimi ama derslerimizde bir okadar ciddi olan hocalarımızla spor yapmak çook keyifli.. Teşekkürler hb ailesi...